KUCCPS 2022 Inter-Institution Transfer

Kenya Highlands University is inviting INTER-INSTITUTION TRANSFER applications from 2021 K.C.S.E candidates placed by KUCCPS in other institutions, students who wish to join the University are welcome to apply.

How to Apply

1.Select a programme of your choice from one of our programs offered and
Note the programme code.
2.Visit: http://student.kuccps.net and click Transfer Tab.
3.Put the programme code in the inter-Institution transfer field.
4.Follow the steps outlined in the system.
5.We shall receive and endorse your request promptly.
6.The University you were placed in will receive the request and release you
for transfer.
7.KUCCPS will approve and generate your transfer letter.
8.Download the transfer letter from your KUCCPS Portal.
9.Present your transfer letter to Kenya Highlands University for Admission.

We look forward welcoming you to Kenya Highlands University.