Chapel Ministries
As a Christian Affiliated learning institution, Kenya Highlands University offer Chapel Ministries to both students and staff at the University. Chapel is services are core to the existence of KHU as the University is build on Christian values. KHU continues to transform the community through Chapel Ministries. There are Chapel services three times a week on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. In addition to the regular Chapel services, the department of Chaplaincy also offer Counseling and outreach services.
Evangelism Teams
Evangelism Team (ET) is a student group which is organized for the purpose of preaching the Gospel door-to-door and in open-air meetings in nearby communities several times a term. The planning and ministry of these outreaches is done together with the local church members, and supported through the weekly prayer meetings by the team members.
Christian Witness Teams
Christian Witness Team (CWT) is a small group of students selected by the General Faculty Assembly for the purpose of representing the college in diverse outreach ministries such as music, drama, and preaching, to the surrounding schools, local churches, and urban churches supporting KHU.