2022/2023 Academic Year First Year Students Orientation

The reporting and Registration of the first-year students admitted into the 2022/2023 Academic
Year started on Monday 29 th August 2022. Orientation program began on 31 st August 2022 and
came to a successful end on Thursday, 1 st September 2022, with the Vice Chancellor, Prof.
Wilson Langat, addressing the students. The event was attended by the Deputy Vice Chancellor,
Registrars, Heads of departments, Dean of Students, student leaders as well as other staff and
The Vice Chancellor, congratulated the students on their exemplary performance which saw
them join the unique and great Kenya Highlands University. The Vice Chancellor assured the
students that they had joined an institution committed to spirituality, quality teaching and
learning, research and innovation.
He urged students to beware of the growing abuse of drugs by university students across the
country and to desist any temptation of joining groups or friends that will lead them to abuse of
He conclude by wishing them a good beginning and a good ending and all strive to build a
strong University society where academic freedom is inculcated.

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